Posted on 5/24/2019

We live in an incredible part of the country. There’s so much to see and do right here in and around San Diego, but it’s also nice to get out of the city once in a while. That’s another significant part about living in Southern California… we are within hours of some other spectacular places. Let’s check a couple out: Julian: This is an easy trip straight out 8. You can go during apple season, but they have the best apple pie year around. Their little town has fun shops, great food, and some charming places to stay for a weekend. Disneyland: When you plan your trip to Disneyland, try to go during the offseason if at all possible, but at least schedule your drive north during off-traffic times (if there is such a thing!) The magic of Disneyland can make anyone find their smile. Las Vegas: Visit Las Vegas, baby! Ther ... read more