Posted on 1/1/2021

As we wrap up this unprecedented year and head into 2021, think about the differences between resolutions and solutions. Resolutions tend to get lost in the daily grind soon after the new year begins. When you focus on SOLUTIONS instead, you're coming up with a game plan on how to move things forward. When you add accountability to your solutions, it can be an excellent recipe for success. Learn how to flip your resolution into a solution. Let's start with your car. A resolution might be, "I'm going to take better care of my vehicle in 2021". To turn that into a solution for your car, here's one possible way to break it down: Solution: Taking better care of my car. Check the air in my tires every month to make sure I am getting the best gas mileage possible. Set a monthly reminder on my phone. Work with my mechanic to determine the best oil service schedule possible. Doing so helps me significantly extend the lif ... read more