Posted on 11/1/2020

Is The Turkey Browned Enough? Most commonly, we think of mom worrying in the kitchen about the turkey, if you will have marshmallows on your sweet potato casserole, or what to put in the stuffing this year. What we forget is to think about everyone making the drive to grandma’s house packed like sardines in a car full of family and friends, for what could be a long drive ahead. Wednesday, a Popular Travel Day If you want to take the stress out of the series of “Are we there yet?” leave a day early and book a hotel room for the night. Simply taking this small head start on your travel adventure can increase your traveling pleasure substantially. You may encounter traffic; however, you will have enough downtime between Wednesday’s drive and Thursday’s feast to recover. There is nothing like arriving at grandma’s house fresh with everyone wearing smiles. That is a priceless gift to yourself and the relatives that you don’t get to see ve ... read more