Posted on 12/1/2021

Happy December to our John's Automotive Care La Mesa family! As we prepare ourselves for the most festive time of the year, it's essential to the team at John's Automotive Care La Mesa that we think of others during this time. Given the challenging times that the Covid-19 pandemic has brought, it's no surprise that millions of Americans will struggle this year to give presents to their loved ones & children. This is an issue that our auto repair team wants to solve. Since 2001, John's Automotive Care has reached out to our loyal customers for the opportunity to give back to the community during the holiday season- with our annual Toy Drive! If you can help out a child in need during these times, please bring a new, unwrapped toy into our shop (at either location.) This helps provide toys for hundreds of children in our communities who may be going without anything for Christmas. John's Automotive Care has partnered with the Boys & Girls Clu ... read more